All Brains Belong Releases Groundbreaking New Resource

Montpelier, VT (8/15/2023) – All Brains Belong, a leading organization dedicated to supporting neurodivergent individuals, announces the launch of a unique free resource to help improve the healthcare of autistic and ADHD adults.

95% of All Brains Belong’s autistic and ADHD adult patients experience a constellation of intertwined medical conditions (including hypermobility, POTS, IBS, migraine and many more). Because standard medical management for some parts of the constellation of medical conditions make other parts worse, taking a zoomed out approach can make a huge difference in patients’ improvement. 

 Autistic adults have an average life expectancy of 36-54 years. ADHD adults die, on average, 12-20 years earlier than adults without ADHD. All Brains Belong’s resource aims to help autistic and ADHD adults live longer, healthier lives.

With support from the Organization on Autism Research (OAR) and by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of HHS under the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR‐P) grant, All Brains Belong has created a one-of-a-kind resource to support patients and their primary care clinicians in recognizing and working through these conditions together. This was co-created by our interdisciplinary task force with input from more than 100 autistic/ADHD community members.

For more information visit

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