There is no one “right” way to participate in community. All of our programs have multiple ways to participate.
We offer low-demand ways to connect with a community — in your own way.
We welcome you to engage in whatever way is right for you.
- Video on or off
- Communicate with mouth words, chat, AAC device
- No pressure to interact — observation is valid!
Free Community Programs
Brain Club®: Virtual Weekly Community Education Series – Tuesdays 6PM ET

Kid Connections – Find a Friend Who Loves What You Love

Want more options? So do we!
Our Community Programs are made possible by the generous support and donations from the community.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to All Brains Belong VT, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
ABB also welcomes collaboration with philosophically-aligned community partners, as well as any organization looking to enhance the inclusiveness of their programs. Let’s change the world together.

ABB is a treasure… to have a place where I don’t have to mask, don’t have to pretend, and don’t have to spend over half my mental energy trying to figure out what they expect from me…. I don’t have that anywhere else.
Want to learn more? Join us for our next Virtual Open House Wed 5/7/2025 6-7pm ET.