Everything is Connected to Everything: Improving the Healthcare of Autistic & ADHD Adults (The “All the Things” Project)

Autistic & ADHD adults often have multiple intertwined health conditions. The healthcare system often gets in the way of clinicians addressing multiple medical problems at a time. Yet by treating these intertwined medical conditions as separate, this may result in…

Shifting the Autism Narrative: A Healthcare Provider’s Guide to the Impact of Stigma on Health (April 2022)

Autistic people have an average life expectancy of age 36-54 years, with leading causes of death being premature cardiovascular disease and suicide. Extensive research shows that autistic people are dissatisfied with their healthcare, experience significant barriers in accessing care, and feel marginalized and…

All Brains Belong Models Inclusive Healthcare for People with Disabilities

All Brains Belong VT Executive Director Melissa Houser, M.D. gave an invited presentation for Bistate Primary Care Association regarding barriers to health for patients with disabilities. Dr. Houser also presented All Brains Belong’s model of universal design for health. 2/2/2022:…