Blog: Workplace Culture

Mel Houser, M.D., Executive Director, All Brains Belong VT (12/5/2023)

At least 1 in 5 people have minds that work differently than the so-called “typical” brain. Learning about the ways people’s brains work, and ways that people access, process information, communicate, etc. benefits everyone.

Blake Sturcke, Co-CEO of Encore Renewable Energy and member of All Brains Belong’s Board of Directors, was recently recognized through the Neuroinclusive Employer Brightspotting Program as an employer who intentionally works to create workplace culture where all people can get their needs met and thrive.

Interview with Blake Sturcke, Co-CEO, Encore Renewable Energy

In this video, Blake describes how employers can learn to create environments where all individuals can do their best work, optimize their personal and professional development — AND can optimize their contributions to the team.

You can learn more about neuroinclusive employment training at